Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Simple Sleepover

Sleepover friends, playing with Play-doh.
Since we have ten little feet in our family, we don't always find time to invite anyone else over. The kids have enough friends just with each other, but as they're getting older, I'm realizing that they really do need some outside association. So, to kick off this fall break, each of the three big kids got to invite a friend over to spend the night. Before they arrived, we hit the Dollar Tree and Target to make some preparations. We wanted to keep it simple, but be sure there was plenty to do, so no one would be saying "I'm bored!" I think we succeeded. We decided to get a couple of games, some puzzles, and supplies for making ice cream sundaes. We also bought new Play-doh and glow sticks and brought out the Legos and blankets for building forts. We ordered pizza for dinner and had an assortment of choices for breakfast, including: hot chocolate, Reese's Puffs, egg sandwiches, berries, oranges, bananas, popcorn, and pretty much whatever else they could find to get into (ice cream again!). After breakfast, the kids all helped clean up the house, and we took our football, basketball, volleyball, soccer ball, and baseball and walked to the park. Everyone stayed active, and nobody once said, "I'm bored!"

Here are some pictures - I know I need a new camera. These were taken with my iPhone, which I think my kids have played with too much. Also, I don't like how hard it is to put my pictures where I want. Why can't I put them side-by-side. Bear with me while I learn the basics of this blogging thing. I'm a little behind the times:)
Playing the game of Life.
Building with Legos.
Playing dress-up.
Glow sticks in the fort.
Blanket fort #1.
Blanket fort #2.
Breakfast of Champions (great book by Kurt Vonnegut btw).
A clean house!
Volleyball at the park.
I ate ice cream, too:)

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