Monday, November 16, 2015

Oranges for Sale

Lots of kids have a lemonade stand, mine sell oranges:) We have two dwarf orange trees that put out hundreds of oranges each November, and of course that's more than even a family of seven can eat. Especially when they all seem to ripen overnight. This will be the third year the kids have picked, washed, bagged, juiced, and sold the oranges and orange juice at the little stand they set up on our corner. Luckily we live on a street that gets a decent amount of traffic and most of the passersby are friendly and supportive. After 2 hour-long afternoon sales sessions, the kids made a combined profit of $30 and got a $20 donation as well. They still have boxes of oranges left and the tree is still putting out fruit, so I'm sure there is more money to be made. My daughter is especially happy because she can tell her friends she has $50 too, and she worked for it (she didn't just get it as birthday money). We also have a fig tree and a pomegranate tree that put out lots of fruit. Maybe next summer the kids will decide to sell those, too. Do you have fruit trees that produce more than you can consume? Give your kids a lesson in consumerism and let them be entrepreneurs - just be sure to supervise and remind them to be cautious with strangers.

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