Sunday, June 2, 2013

Planting Flowers

The kids and I love planting flowers. Since we rent our home and probably won't be here forever, I prefer to keep my flowers in pots. I have at least a dozen pots filled with flowers all around the yard. This spring we also decided to grow the stuff for patio salsa - tomatoes and jalapenos, as well as strawberries.

Flower pots
Potting soil (we use Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil)
Gardening gloves
Shovel or spade
Flowers or other plants

How To:
1. Fill your pots about 3/4 full of soil, depending on the size of your plant.
2. Gently loosen your plant from it's original container without breaking the roots. Sometimes we use scissors to cut the pot away.
3. Arrange your plants in your pots, leaving enough room for them to grow and spread their roots.
4. Cover the roots with potting soil, leaving about an inch or two around the top of your pot.
5. Water your plants, and remember to water them regularly or they will shrivel up and die.
6. Place your flower pots around your yard or on your patio, and watch them grow.



Patio Salsa (Tomato, Strawberry. Jalapeno)

                                                                                           First Strawberry

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