Friday, December 27, 2013

Yesterday's post didn't save!

So I spent at least an hour yesterday writing about why I haven't been writing, and listing approximately 38 New Year's resolutions.  Unfortunately,  it didn't save. Go figure. Let's see if I can list them again. I already put some into practice today.
1. Drink more water.
2. Eat the rainbow.
3. Exercise.
4. Spend less time with t.v.,  video games,  and social media.
5. Spend 15 minutes making myself beautiful in the morning.
6. Go to the salon more often.
7. Give myself a weekly facial.
8. Shower and shave.
9. Paint my nails (at least my toes).
10. Spend more time with my hubby.
11. Talk to my husband like he's my best friend.
12. Schedule a regular date night.
13. Spend time in person with the people I talk to on Facebook.
14. Have people over at least once a month.
15. Schedule a regular girls' night.
16. Spend more individual time with the kids.
17. Give them weekly chores and allowance.
18. Make it to more meetings at the kingdom hall.
19. Spend 10+ hours in service each month.
20. Finish reading the bible by reading it every day.
21. Start a weekly personal bible study with each kid.
22. Have our family worship time every week.
23. Make enough money to pay my student loans.
24. Start saving money in our savings account.
25. Eat out less often.
26. Cook more.
27. Keep better financial records.
28. Write every day.
29. Tend to my gardens.
30. Do more artsy crafty projects.
31. Try a new recipe every week.
32. Finish unpacking from our move.
33. Take more picture.
34. Go explore some place new each month.
35. Go to the dentist.
36. Kids too.
37. Get rid of my varicose veins.
38. Ensure baby #5 is the last.